It's all about the story! Every quilt, every machine, every quilter.
For the past few years Dakota Redford, Facility Director of the Missouri Quilt Museum and Courtenay Hughes, Board Member and Director of Education at the Missouri Quilt Museum have had the priveledge of traveling to shops and guilds around the state/country sharing the story of the museum and how it came to be.
It's All About the Story has been shared many times. However, the reactions are always the same. Laughter, some tears, and of course a spirit of creating!

There is something magical at the heart of every person - creating! As we create, it ignites a wave of self discovery giving voice - life - to our inner most thoughts and feelings. It opens the door to expression, to confidence, sometimes changing our very nature.
As we learn and tell the stories of the artifacts in the museum- it connects us to their creator. The machines, thimbles, irons, patterns - who built them, who used them, and for what purpose? The quilts, clothing and wall art - who built them, who used them, and for what purpose? The Missouri Quilt Museum knows that behind everything there is a story of a person. Art and artifacts are beautiful, but it's the people that tell our story!
We all have different things that drive us to create: entertainment, a challenge, therapy, healing. Whatever your reason be- keep creating. It helps show yourself and the world who you really are!
To have Dakota and/or Courtenay present "It's All About the Story" at your event call 660-605-4068 or contact us here.